Bus Tour of Cassadaga, Florida
May 31, 2001
The success of the Cassadaga Bus Tour is mainly attributed to our convivial, professional Hostess, Jeanne Mydelski. On Thursday, May 31, 2001, over thirty Tampa participants visited the serene "metaphysical mecca" of Cassadaga, Florida. Each was given a spiritual reading by eight eminent Teachers of the Southern Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp Meeting Association (SCSCMA). Then, all were provided an exquisite lunch at the Cassadaga Hotel "Lost in Time Cafe," reminiscent of tearooms in the past.
While there, I had the anticipated, in-person, opportunity to promote my book (entitled CASSADAGA) at four shops, namely, the SCSCMA Bookstore, the Cassadaga Hotel Giftshop, the Purple Rose Metaphysical Stuff Store, and the Universal Centre of Cassadaga. It is my biased opinion that, if this book was displayed in these shops, it would surely be marketable, because Cassadaga, Florida, is respectively germane to the story. (Anyone interested, please call PublishAmerica, Inc. toll-free at 1-877-333-7422 for substantial resale discounts.)
In closing, I would like to thank the Rev. Sandra Helton, the Rev. Lori Kelly, and June of the Purple Rose, all from Cassadaga, for their thoughtful responses to my messages.
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Here's the tour group -- that's our hostess, Jeanne Mydelski, standing. Don't know who that is hiding in front!
Entrance to SCSCMA, 57 acres which includes the Colby Memorial Temple and several resident cottages.
Cassadaga Hotel, where we had lunch at the "Lost in Time" Cafe and visited the hotel's gift shop.
Hi to June at the Purple Rose Metaphysical Stuff Store, a place you can spend hours in and still not see it all.
This is the Universal Centre of Cassadaga, where many readings are given and information is available.
Upon arrival, we were escorted to the Andrew Jackson Davis Building (center photo), where eight Teachers from the Southern Cassadaga Spiritualists Meeting Association (SCSCMA) gave spiritual readings to each participant in our Bus Tour Group.
The person in the center is Rev. Nick Sourant, one of the Teachers in the Southern Cassadaga Spiritualists Meeting Association (SCSCMA) who gave spiritual readings to the Tampa Bus Tour Group. The person on the left is our Hostess, Jeanne Mydelski. She did a great job in initiating, organizing, and directing this trip.
The is a view of the Southern Cassadaga Spiritualists Camp, from the steps of the Colby Memorial Temple.
Inside the "Lost in Time Cafe" in the Cassadaga Hotel.
A Note From V. A. Wulff: In 2000, my CASSADAGA novel was published. As a result of a "Group Book Discussion" about CASSADAGA given in April 2001, I was asked to accompany a "Bus Tour to Cassadaga." The date was set for a one-day visit on Thursday, May 31, 2001. The bus (leaving Tampa about 8:30 a.m.) was to arrive in Cassadaga before noon and a luncheon for our group had been arranged at the Cassadaga Hotel. A summary of our trip is included in the next paragraphs, with links to pictures taken during the visit.